This weekend was mostly spent lifting engines :-( My dad arrived to give me a hand with the engine swap at about 5:30 on Friday. Amazingly by the close of play we had managed to get the old engine out! I couldn't believe we did it so quickly. For future reference I would remove the exhaust. It is possible to get the bellhousing past the exhaust pipe but very difficult and the time spent faffing about could be better spent getting pipes out of the way.
On Saturday we began to put the new engine in. I started bolting the HS6s onto the manifold. I guess that should be another post really..... My dad set to with the engine back plate. By the end of the day we had the new engine in and bolted down. Although the end was in sight it was still a long way off. We still had to attach all of the ancillaries.
So Sunday was all about getting the engine to run. Most of the day was spent bolting on all the bits and bobs around the engine bay. Strangely this took us till about 16:30 to complete. I guess the new manifold and carbs took up a lot of that time. After a swift cup of tea we began the boring task of starting it. First as per someones advise we ran the engine without spark pulgs apparantly to build up oil pressure. This seemed a bit unlikly to me but I didn't think it could do any harm. Having replaced the pulgs we fired her up. Or rather we didn't!
The next couple of hours were spent turning the engine over watching the carbs flood. Not a glimmer of life was shown from the engine. Confusion reigned. Having swapped the carbs at the same time as the engine and never having set them up before I was suspisious. We wnt through all the checks but the timing seemed right, the gap seemed close, the carbs had PLENTY of fuel?????
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